Our currency
Each aspiring member or member supporter can register their voluntary activity for the association in the form of hours. Depending on the type of activity, the hours are then converted to so-called "konvalinky" (lilies of the valley). This creates an "individual involvement credit" that can currently be used to partially pay for community skills courses organized by the association.
We will gradually expand other options for using "konvalinky".
In the future ecovillage it should be a form of our local currency (similarly as in some ecovillages and cities abroad), i.e. something for which we can partially exchange the services or products of the ecovillage provided, such as self-grown food, community catering, accommodation, education or crafted goods. The use of local currency in the world is proving to have one of the most significant effects on the development and support of regions.
At present, we record "konvalinky" in a shared table, where everyone records the time devoted to activities for the association and establishing an ecovillage, such as drafting agreements and solutions, tasks, meetings, sharing, participation in public events and joint activities in community building. In the future, we plan to use standardized software for local currencies or use the open-source Holochain platform to create tailor-made solutions.